

Hello! Welcome to Pichets in Paris Publishing. Here you will find travel stories and photos, the occasional Book Review and fictional piece based in Paris or France. ALL IMAGES ARE BY L'AUSSIE IMAGES (owned by Denise Covey). Contact me for permission to copy my images.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Pichets in Paris has left la maison!


2012 is going to be a big year for me - short story submissions, a short-story collection to be published and novels to finish, so please visit me at Denise Covey_L'Aussie Writer. I will not be able to maintain all my other blogs for the near future. For all my posts, even if Paris related, I will use L'Aussie Writer.

Thanks you for your loyalty and patience.

Au revoir for now!

Denise, L'Aussie.
