French Food Friday - Green Tea Madeleines
I hope you are having a nice week. Here it has been sunny and warm which
makes a lovely change from damp and cold.
As you already now I am m...
2 days ago
'Ello mate! Nice of you to visit my 'shabby' little blog. I have been a bit busy the last week trying to get some work going (money makes the world go around, right?)and finishing my first largeish order from my etsy shop. I have not had time to indulge myself with a nice cuppa and a good read of the over 700 blog postings I need to catch up on. Hopefully today will provide some time for that. After all it is Rednesday, and I always try to post about some redness.
ReplyDeleteYour pictures of Paris are gorg. I used to visit there a lot as a child when I did the exchange student bit. Another reason for making some good moola: being able to go back to Blighty to visit Mum and do a bit of travelling.
Cheerio for now,
Lovely of you to visit Anne (La Vie en Rose). You are so funny! Hope you are working your way through the blog postings.Thanks for commenting on my nice Paris pix. They still call it the old Blighty, eh?
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